
Tips to Protect Your Back When You Work at a Desk

Back Care for Office Workers - The Spinal Centre

A healthy back is essential for the young as much as the old. The back is involved in almost everything we do, from managing a busy schedule at work to enjoy dinner at home. Unfortunately, many of us practice bad habits on a daily basis that have adverse effects on the back.

Not everyone has the luxury of a relaxed environment at work. What’s worse is the sheer ignorance about the numerous manufacturing defects hiding in our desks. This could be why 8 percent of all adults in the United States of America have various back pain conditions. On that note, here are some tips to protect your back when you work at a desk.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

There are many causes of lower back pain. Your denim pants can be one of the most shocking. But yes, the favorite pair of jeans that earns you all the praise from your friends and coworkers could be problematic for your back. There’s no point in wearing tight trousers when you know it’ll affect your sitting posture and movement. Bad sitting posture can lead to tissue numbness, sciatica issues, and more.

Overly tight dresses throughout all business days can be nothing short of a bad idea for your back health. You can either limit the days you wear them or opt for a regular fit with great stretch. Even if retailers get the sizing of your product wrong, it pays not to compromise for the sake of your back. Thankfully, several online shops now use return merchandise authorization (RMA), so you may not have headaches handling a returned shipment. They can offer refunds or get you to cop a replacement at the last retail price of the item.

Have a checkup.

As you strive to stay within your boss’s delivery timeframe, wellness shouldn’t become any less of a priority. There are many spinal health remedies available today for patients of all ages. Some include the following:

  • Effective chiropractic treatment
  • Spinal decompression therapy
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • The Graston technique
  • Acupuncture

Others may favor an integrated approach with more than one remedy. But among all of these corrective exercises for spinal health, chiropractic adjustments can be the most beneficial, especially if you don’t want to go under the knife.

With the internet today breaking down access barriers, you can enjoy the full range of chiropractic services from anywhere. If you live in Manhattan, for instance, you can type “NYC chiropractors” into any search box. And voila, your first chiropractic session in New York.

Exercise regularly.

Regular exercises can do your back a lot of good. You might not need to block out the chunk of your workday just for exercising. No matter the type of injury, experts say even a 20-minute routine can be of help. Many therapists recommend sit-ups, bridges, and crunches for lower back pain. Ultimately, you can check with your chiropractic care center for some special routines that best fit your situation. Some chiropractors take their patients through an extensive interview process, so they can tell what works and what doesn’t.

Use an ergonomic chair.

Often, people are quick to run the “not in charge” excuse when discussing office environment upgrades. But if you don’t call the shots, point those who do in the right direction. Business leaders who want the best for their organization know best to prioritize their workforce’s overall wellness. Don’t wait until that mild low backache becomes chronic pain.

Take intermittent breaks.

If you work a nine to five, it’s easy to think that low back pain is unavoidable. But with conscious efforts, you can lead a great work-life balance devoid of neck pains. Taking frequent breaks, possibly after you smash a deliverable off your to-do list, can help. And if you’re lost for what to do during these breaks, you can go for a walk. Or, you can engage in some physical activities if your workspace has provisions like gyms and game areas.